Root Filter Search

To filter on radicals you must enter their index number, click the tabs below to see how the indexes map out in various scripts. Alternatively you can use our SearchLang substitutions, which substitute some common characters for the transliteration characters used in this site.

ʔ = a b = b t = t ṯ = f g = g ḥ = H ḫ = x d = d
ḏ = j r = r z = z s¹ = c s² = C ṣ = S ḍ = D ṭ = T
ẓ = Z ʕ = A ġ = G f = p q = q k = k l = l m = m
n = n h = h w = w y = y s³ = s

You may optionally enter a comparison operator (<, <=, >, >=, <> or =) at the beginning of each of your search values to specify how the comparison should be done. To filter on more than one index for a radical, separate them with a comma (eg. 0,1,2).

Displaying 801-807 of 807 result(s).
471ḫ-w-l𐩭𐩥𐩡 administerView
343q-n-y𐩤𐩬𐩺 acquireView
547k-h-l𐩫𐩠𐩡 achieveView
719ṯ-r-w𐩻𐩧𐩥 abundanceView
557ʔ-l-w𐩱𐩡𐩥 abilityView
559q-d-r𐩤𐩵𐩧 abilityView
170ʕ-z-b𐩲𐩸𐩨 abandonView

Old Search Facility (Google-based)